I Was In A Tweetup!!!
What is a tweetup and it has to do with the Rheumatology? I just have a little time to analyze my recent attendance at the American Congress of Rheumatology in Chicago starting this November, the American Congress of Rheumatology of the world's largest in the specialty with over 12,000 attendees from all over. This time had a special reason that aroused great curiosity. I w as attending for the first time to a tweetup. Twitter is a community where you place short messages of 140 characters listed in descending literally rolling our eyes and allows to answer the question What is happening? . After the second network facebook is more for reference only users and more than 55 million Latin Americans have an account on it. Since then I discovered this community and I gradually came to have 977 followers (followers) today, I follow 747 (Following). For this writing a simple application remembered me exactly when I had joined twitter for the ...